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Daddy dilemma 🤔😌

SideNote: I totally love that I am able to complete this entire blog using my phone ( including the photos).

Okay, here we go! Sunday morning, I was mercifully graced 😉 with the priviledge of getting my twin daughters (Grace and Mercy) dressed for church. My wife had picked out two identical white dresses 👗, and the same style shoes... BUT, they were not the same color. They were Gold and Silver (as seen in the photos).

This was supposed to be a simple task... Except, "who gets Gold and who gets Silver?". So, "What's the big deal?" I honestly I'm not sure. But there I was, stuck! Maybe if you were in my shoes, you would understand 😂. Maybe it's the little superstitious African blood at work. But, Here was a dad, with equal love for his daughters, being asked to assign gold and silver to them - colors usually associated with First and second place. Okay, it's really not a big deal! But then again, I probably won't set the AC at 66° on the 6th day of the month 😌😂😂. I was just about ready to put on their white dresses, then ship them over to their mom to Bear the burden of making the shoe decision (as though she doesn't already have hard enough time picking for herself). But then, the lights went on 💡... I got a brilliant idea. The ANSWER:

Yes! They went to church mix-matching shoes. Yes! It was pointed out by several observant eyes at church. Yes! "Sir... Mam... I did it intentionally!"

So call it a style, a new fashion trend or even cluelessness. But for me, it was the perfect solution to the Daddy Dilemma!

Please do write your comments below... I would like to hear what you think. Thanks for reading.

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